- SU
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- Report
Start Up Phase (SU)
Project Name:
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Maturity Model Rating For This Phase
Level 1 - Initial
• Methodology is not being adopted
• Uncontrolled
Level 2 - Managed
• Very Low adoption of methodology
• Very low level of control
Level 3 - Defined
• Low adoption of methodology
• Low level of control
Level 4 - Quality
• Good adoption of methodology
• Good level of control
Level 5 - Optimised
• Full adoption of methodology
• Under full control
Phase Analysis
Criteria Question
Pre Project Start Up
Is there a Project Mandate?
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Appointing A Project Board Executive and Project Manager
Has a project board executive been appointed?
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Has a project manager been appointed?
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Designing A Project Management Team
Has the project management team structure been defined?
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Has the executive, senior user, senior supplier role been defined?
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Has the project manager role been defined?
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Has the project team manager(s) role been defined?
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Has the project assurance roles been defined?
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Has the business change manager(s) role been defined?
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Have draft job descriptions and terms of references been produced?
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Have draft job descriptions,terms of reference and team structure been approved?
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Appointing A Project Management Team
Has the project board and team been appointed?
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Have the project board received training for their roles?
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Has a project start-up notification been issued by the project board?
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Was the project board appointed before project initiation was authorised?
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Preparing A Project Brief
Is there a project brief produced to PRINCE2® standards?
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Has the mandate been updated?
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Does the project brief contain scope, objectives, critical success factors and outputs?
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Does the project brief outline the business case, including cost, resource estimates,
and the benefits the project will deliver?
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Does the project brief list the interfaces and dependencies with other projects?
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Does the project brief contain the project organisation structure, terms of reference
and job descriptions?
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Does the project brief list the key stakeholders?
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Does the project brief contain the quality expectations and acceptance criteria?
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Does the project brief list the risk and issues relevant to the project?
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Does the project brief list the initial target delivery dates?
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Are user requirements clearly specified in a project brief or another document?
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Has the risk and log been created?
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Have internal and external dependencies been captured?
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Defining A Project Approach
Is there a project approach defined?
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Planning An Initiation Phase
Has a project initiation stage plan been produced?
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Does the initiation stage plan cover activities, products, quality assurance reviews
and milestones?
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Approvals & Quality Assurance:
Have the outline business case, project brief and initiation stage plan been subject
to a documented quality assurance review?
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Is there an initial business case produced & approved by the programme
board and,or sponsor?
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Have the project brief and initiation stage plan been approved by the project board?
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Has the project board authorised project initiation?
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