PRINCE2 Licensed Product

Project Start Up - SU

This is the first process in PRINCE2® . It is a pre-project process, designed to ensure that the pre-requisites for initiating the project are in place. The process expects the existence of a Project Mandate which defines in high level terms the reason for the project and what outcome is sought. Starting up a Project should be very short.

To see a sample project select Demo

  1. SU
  2. IP
  3. PL
  4. SB
  5. CS
  6. MP
  7. DP
  8. CP
  9. Report
Start Up Phase (SU)
Project Name:
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Maturity Model Rating For This Phase
Score 1
Score 2
Score 3
Score 4
Score 5
Level 1 - Initial
• Methodology is not being adopted
• Uncontrolled
Level 2 - Managed
• Very Low adoption of methodology
• Very low level of control
Level 3 - Defined
• Low adoption of methodology
• Low level of control
Level 4 - Quality
• Good adoption of methodology
• Good level of control
Level 5 - Optimised
• Full adoption of methodology
• Under full control
Phase Analysis

Criteria Question Compliance Quality
Pre Project Start Up
Is there a Project Mandate?
Appointing A Project Board Executive and Project Manager
Has a project board executive been appointed?
Has a project manager been appointed?
Designing A Project Management Team
Has the project management team structure been defined?
Has the executive, senior user, senior supplier role been defined?
Has the project manager role been defined?
Has the project team manager(s) role been defined?
Has the project assurance roles been defined?
Has the business change manager(s) role been defined?
Have draft job descriptions and terms of references been produced?
Have draft job descriptions,terms of reference and team structure been approved?
Appointing A Project Management Team
Has the project board and team been appointed?
Have the project board received training for their roles?
Has a project start-up notification been issued by the project board?
Was the project board appointed before project initiation was authorised?
Preparing A Project Brief
Is there a project brief produced to PRINCE2® standards?
Has the mandate been updated?
Does the project brief contain scope, objectives, critical success factors and outputs?
Does the project brief outline the business case, including cost, resource estimates,
and the benefits the project will deliver?
Does the project brief list the interfaces and dependencies with other projects?
Does the project brief contain the project organisation structure, terms of reference
and job descriptions?
Does the project brief list the key stakeholders?
Does the project brief contain the quality expectations and acceptance criteria?
Does the project brief list the risk and issues relevant to the project?
Does the project brief list the initial target delivery dates?
Are user requirements clearly specified in a project brief or another document?
Has the risk and log been created?
Have internal and external dependencies been captured?
Defining A Project Approach
Is there a project approach defined?
Planning An Initiation Phase
Has a project initiation stage plan been produced?
Does the initiation stage plan cover activities, products, quality assurance reviews
and milestones?
Approvals & Quality Assurance:
Have the outline business case, project brief and initiation stage plan been subject
to a documented quality assurance review?
Is there an initial business case produced & approved by the programme
board and,or sponsor?
Have the project brief and initiation stage plan been approved by the project board?
Has the project board authorised project initiation?
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